Web Dev

Posts about Web Development

Clean and modern blog page interface displaying a main blog post in the center with a large title, image, and a snippet of content. On the right side, there is a sidebar listing related posts with smaller images, titles, and brief descriptions. The design is minimalistic with a white background, black text, and accent colors like blue and green for highlights, making it visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Clean and modern blog page interface displaying a main blog post in the center with a large title, image, and a snippet of content. On the right side, there is a sidebar listing related posts with smaller images, titles, and brief descriptions. The design is minimalistic with a white background, black text, and accent colors like blue and green for highlights, making it visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Why Cosine Similarity Beats Tags for Blog Organization

Organizing blog posts efficiently is crucial for enhancing user experience and ensuring readers can easily find related content. Traditionally, this has been achieved through tagging systems. In this post, I explore an alternative approach that leverages large language models and similarity scores to automate finding and displaying related posts, eliminating the need for traditional tagging.

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Django logo with an arrow pointing to the Astro.js logo
Django logo with an arrow pointing to the Astro.js logo

Django to Astro: Migrating a Django Portfolio to Astro.js

Migrating from Django to Astro.js, I simplified my web development workflow by adopting Astro's efficient, JSX-like templating for my portfolio. This transition not only streamlined the development process but also led to substantial savings on hosting costs, demonstrating Astro.js's value as a modern web development framework.

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Tailwind Logo
Tailwind Logo

I Use TailwindCSS Except in These Three Scenarios

TailwindCSS is an excellent tool for streamlined styles and layouts in your web application. While it fits many use cases, I propose three scenarios that do not fit well: Pseudo-elements, focus/hover states, and transitions/animations. See how my hybrid approach, which leverages Tailwind classes + component-level scoped CSS, leads to better code readability and maintainability.

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