Works Cited
Inspirations I really liked how she added a fade-in to her content on load. I emulated this with a fade-in keyframe. I admire his footer and privacy policy. I used both for inspiration when creating my footer and privacy policy. Her 'Get in Touch' section is superb. I borrowed a lot of strings she uses including the link text, "Say Hello"
Kevin Powell I stole Kevin's expanding buttons.
Smashing Magazine The large text and placeholder text in the search navigation was inspiring.
Shout Outs I freaking love MDN. Thank you to all the folks at Mozilla who maintain it.
Thank you to Coreyms and CFE for the tutorials that got this blog started
Icons and Logos Social share buttons used on post-detail page.
Arrow up Bootstrap icon Arrow up Bootstrap icon for scroll-to-top behavior.
Shopify Logo Maker Shopify's logo maker created the logo.
OnlyManu (Github Repo) Used this 404 page for my 404 page.
CSS Tricks I legitimately just copied and pasted the link underline animation (I changed the color and changed the selectors)