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Django logo with an arrow pointing to the Astro.js logo
Django logo with an arrow pointing to the Astro.js logo

Django to Astro: Migrating a Django Portfolio to Astro.js

Migrating from Django to Astro.js, I simplified my web development workflow by adopting Astro's efficient, JSX-like templating for my portfolio. This transition not only streamlined the development process but also led to substantial savings on hosting costs, demonstrating Astro.js's value as a modern web development framework.

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Tailwind Logo
Tailwind Logo

I Use TailwindCSS Except in These Three Scenarios

TailwindCSS is an excellent tool for streamlined styles and layouts in your web application. While it fits many use cases, I propose three scenarios that do not fit well: Pseudo-elements, focus/hover states, and transitions/animations. See how my hybrid approach, which leverages Tailwind classes + component-level scoped CSS, leads to better code readability and maintainability.

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